Wynford Dore & Professor Nicolson discuss the inspiration behind starting withZING. Professor Nicolson, located at Edge Hill University is particularly focused on dyslexia and why children struggle. His research has been developing for over 20 years, targeting the knowledge of dyslexia as a learning problem. Nicolson’s breakthrough showed that dyslexic children struggled with developing new skills, so he decided to target the area in the brain and focus on the root cause. This duo discuss intelligence, performance and testing within schools in England, and the problems that occur with these. Wynford and Nicolson discuss bright children, and the problems that they may have with the cerebellum in the brain.
Does your child’s handwriting look messy? Some people assume that children are choosing to write badly had have messy handwriting. It’s important to remember that it isn’t their choice. In fact, most children even hold their pen a strange way. Most children’s poor handwriting is down to neurological reasons, it is all due to their fine motor skills and eye tracking issues. Find out more here…
So many children are labelled these days, it seems there is a big push to put a label on every condition our child has. Do labels get applied to our children far too early? It is important to remember that these conditions are often not permanent and that they can be dealt with. In our society, labels are often put onto children so they can get help with their diagnosis, but children are often labelled FAR too early. Most of the time these children are very bright, they are just struggling with accessing the information to push them to success. Unless you’re certain that these symptoms cannot be removed, we shouldn’t be giving them a label!
Is your child a bit clumsy? Do they knock things over? Do they bump into the door frame? Are they not well coordinated with sports? A few even struggle to ride a bike. Remember that this is not a choice, they must have incomplete development in the part of the brain that helps with balance and coordination. Remember to be tolerant with your child about their clumsiness. Often they have a part of the brain that is not automatic yet, it can be developed with personalised exercises and vestibular stimulation.
If you’ve got a child that struggles with school, or is struggling with learning issues then you will be very conscious of what the symptoms are. Poor reading, poor writing, poor concentration and messy handwriting. Do these sound familiar? One of the big problems with the way we look at these children is that we focus on the symptoms instead of focusing on the root cause. Is it not far better to target the single root cause of these symptoms than to try and address each symptom separately? By tackling the root cause it often solves many of the symptoms that are present in a child, the root cause can be tackled by vestibular stimulation which is what this video focuses on…
People who suffer from panic attacks are so often misunderstood, it is important to remember that they aren’t choosing to feel this way. It is SO important to understand and support someone who is suffering with a panic attack. Patience is key for a sufferer, recovering from a panic attack takes time and effort and can not be done easily. This is a video for anyone who has relatives or friends who are suffers from panic attacks, It explains the emotional support that they need as well as future advice for future panic attacks.
Isn’t Anxiety dreadful? If you know of anyone or you yourself suffer from it you will know exactly how devastating it can be on peoples lives. It can cause you to miss out on events, work or spending time with your loved ones. The assumption is often that people can pull themselves out of it if they really tried hard enough. But of course that’s not the truth at all. If you’ve got anxiety, you didn’t make a choice to have it and so you haven’t got the choice to get rid of it. What causes the symptoms of anxiety? Well when the senses are overloaded the brain gets a lot of information that it can’t work out. This video tackles with the problems of anxiety and how you can help people who suffer with anxiety.
Do you wish your child could read better? Stop worrying right now because the majority of children who struggle to read are actually very bright. Through 18 years of researching how to make that critical connection in the brain (the bright brain that most mums suspect is there) I have helped thousand of children with their reading.

So many parents around the world are struggling with children who have trouble in school. Maybe they struggle with reading, writing, concentration, listening, clumsiness, or social awkwardness. All these issues can make it very hard for them to thrive in a school environment.
Today, I’m going to give you 5 tips that you can put to use right away to help children who are struggling with any of these issues. I’ve been studying this topic with neuroscientists, neuropsychologists, and other professionals for over 14 years. My daughter struggled with school, eventually becoming severely depressed because of it. Now, my passion is to help all families who are struggling in these ways.

As the father of a child who struggled with learning, I wish that someone had told me about these early signs before. It is so much better to treat the root cause of your child’s problem rather than try and fix the symptoms. If you have an infant, toddler, or early school-aged child, these 15 early signs of learning issues can help you discover the root cause and uncover your child’s potential earlier, minimizing future problems. Within this blog post there is also a link to the Hidden Potential Assessment, a great way to start finding your child’s hidden potential, and the skills that they would excel at.